American Society of Civil Engineers
What if game technologies could change the future of civil engineering?
This question fuels Experimental’s partnership with the American Society of Civil Engineers. ASCE designs, constructs, and operates our society’s economic and social engine — the built environment of a city — while also preserving and restoring its natural environment.
But with those environments now threatened by climate change, we are turning the gaming engine into a story engine to create a Future World Vision. Our interactive tool empowers ASCE members to build smarter cities by simulating the challenges facing civil engineers today — and generating new strategies for tomorrow.

The American Society of Civil Engineers plans, constructs, and operates our main economic and social engine, the built environment of a city, while preserving its natural environment. But with those environments disrupted by massive change in climate and population, Experimental supports ASCE by combining engineering and storytelling into a radical new initiative — Future World Vision.
We design cities 50 years from now by using real-time 3D creation as a story engine. Our interactive tool lets civil engineers experience virtual cities from the point-of-view of a person on the street, adding human narrative to the Future World Vision. By keeping emotion at the forefront, story empowers ASCE to address the unpredictability of change, build the adaptive shelters of tomorrow, and kickstart a new leap in engineering.
Mega City
Reimagine Urban Space
The year is 2070. Your neighborhood is always changing. Your city is ever growing. Resources are limited, the climate is stressed. Yet innovation and automation create synergies between infrastructure and environment.
Living materials. Personal transport pods. Drone deliveries. The lines between AR and IRL are blurred. The world is transformed.
Download the desktop app to visit the Mega City (Windows or Mac)


Mid-rise structure

Callouts and Comments foster a deeper engagement with Mega City. Developed from extensive
research and expert interviews they prompt an exchange of ideas that encourage taking action
today to develop a future in which we all want to live.

The Floating City imagines a flooded Miami in 2030, when a sector of the declining population
migrates to a chaotic assembly of floating structures that over 50 years evolves into an
organized and sustainable city, above and below the water.

When rising sea levels flood Miami, the displaced population migrates to a chaotic assembly of floating structures. Over 50 years, this flotilla develops into an organized and sustainable metropolis, above and below the water.

But this isn’t science fiction. Experiencing the evolution of a floating city provokes new
thinking around climate change, sustainability, and urban planning in an unpredictable future.